MRT-Kontrastmittel für Neuroimaging

Publikationen von RL Klatzky

Zeitschriftenartikel (1)

Kuschel, M.; Di Luca, M.; Buss, M.; Klatzky, R.: Combination and Integration in the Perception of Visual-Haptic Compliance Information. IEEE Transactions on Haptics 3 (4), S. 234 - 244 (2010)

Konferenzbeitrag (3)

Rauhöft, G.; Leyrer, M.; Thompson, W.; Stefanucci, J.; Klatzky, R.; Mohler, B.: Evoking and Assessing Vastness in Virtual Environments. In: ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Applied Perception (SAP 2015), S. 51 - 54 (Hg. Trutoiu, L.; Kull, S.; Sanders, B.; Mantiuk, R.). ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Applied Perception (SAP 2015), Tübingen, Germany, 13. September 2015 - 14. September 2015. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA (2015)
Drewing, K.; Ernst, M.; Lederman, S.; Klatzky, R.: Roughness and spatial density judgments on visual and haptic textures using virtual reality. In: 4th International Conference EuroHaptics 2004, S. 203 - 206 (Hg. Buss, M.; Fritschi, M.). 4th International Conference EuroHaptics 2004, München, Germany, 05. Juni 2004 - 07. Juni 2004. Institute of Automatic Control Engineering, München, Germany (2004)
Lange, C.; Klatzky, R.; Ernst, M.: Bimanual Size Estimation: No Automatic Integration of Information across the Hands. In: 4th International Conference EuroHaptics 2004, S. 520 - 523 (Hg. Buss, M.; Fritschi, M.). 4th International Conference EuroHaptics 2004, München, Germany, 05. Juni 2004 - 07. Juni 2004. Institute of Automatic Control Engineering, München, Germany (2004)

Poster (1)

Bülthoff, I.; Klatzky, R.; Newell, F.: Haptic Magnitude Estimates of Size for Graspable Shapes. 7th Tübingen Perception Conference (TWK 2004), Tübingen, Germany (2004)
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