Publikationen von L Fedorov

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Kabanova, A.; Fedorov, L.; Eschenko, O.: The Projection-Specific Noradrenergic Modulation of Perseverative Spatial Behavior in Adult Male Rats. eNeuro 11 (8), ENEURO.0063-24.2024 (2024)
Dwarakanath, A.; Kapoor, V.; Werner, J.; Safavi, S.; Safavi, S.; Fedorov, L.; Logothetis, N.; Panagiotaropoulos, T.: Bistability of prefrontal states gates access to consciousness. Neuron 111 (10), S. 1666 - 1683 (2023)
Fedorov, L.; Chang, D.-S.; Giese, M.; Bülthoff, H.; de la Rosa, S.: Adaptation aftereffects reveal representations for encoding of contingent social actions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 (29), S. 7515 - 7520 (2018)
Fedorov, L.; Dijkstra, T.; Giese, M.: Lighting-from-above prior in biological motion perception. Scientific Reports 8, 1507 (2018)

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Fedorov, L.; Vangeneugden, J.; Giese, M.: Neural Model for the Influence of Shading on the Multistability of the Perception of Body Motion. In: 8th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence: Volume 2: NCTA, S. 69 - 76 (Hg. Merelo Guervós, J.). 8th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2016), Porto, Portugal, 09. November 2016 - 11. November 2016. SciTePress, Setúbal, Portugal (2016)

Meeting Abstract (5)

Meeting Abstract
Bokharaie, V.; Fedorov, L.; Logothetis, N.; Xiao, W.: Topological Analysis of Human Gaze on Natural Image Space. In NeNa Conference 2021: Neurowissenschaftliche Nachwuchskonferenz (Conference of Junior Neuroscientists), T12, S. 13. 22nd Conference of Junior Neuroscientists (NeNa 2021), Tübingen, Germany, 07. Oktober 2021. (2021)
Meeting Abstract
Chang, D.-S.; Fedorov, L.; Giese, M.; Bülthoff, H.; de la Rosa, S.: How your actions are coupled with mine: Adaptation aftereffects indicate shared representation of complementary actions. In Perception, 45 (How your actions are coupled with mine: Adaptation aftereffects indicate shared representation of complementary actions), S. 267 - 268. 39th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2016), Barcelona, Spain, 29. August 2016 - 01. September 2016. Pion Ltd., London (2016)
Meeting Abstract
Fedorov, L.; Giese, M.: Model for the integration of form and shading cues in multi-stable body motion perception. In Perception, 45 (ECVP Abstract Supplement), S. 368. 39th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2016), Barcelona, Spain, 29. August 2016 - 01. September 2016. Pion Ltd., London (2016)
Meeting Abstract
Fedorov, L.; Giese, M.: Influence of shading on biological motion perception: illusion and model. In Perception, 44 (ECVP Abstract Supplement), 2T2A003, S. 177. 38th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2015) , Liverpool, UK, 22. August 2015 - 27. August 2015. Pion Ltd., London (2015)
Meeting Abstract
Giese, M.; Fedorov, L.; Vangeneugden, J.: Neurodynamical model for the multi-stable perception of biological motion. In Perception, 43 (ECVP Abstract Supplement), S. 69. 37th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2014), Beograd, Serbia, 24. August 2014 - 28. August 2014. Pion Ltd., London (2014)

Poster (18)

Fedorov, L.; Werner, J.; Dijkstra , T.; Yang, M.; Murayama, Y.; Logothetis, N.: A closed form equation for extracellular field at a point for time series simulation in diffuse structures. Bernstein Conference 2021 (2021)
Fedorov, L.: A closed form equation for extracellular field at a point for time series simulation in diffuse structures. 30th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2021) (eingereicht)
Fedorov, L.; Dijkstra, T.; Murayama, Y.; Bohle, C.; Logothetis, N.: Topological analysis of LFP data. 28th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2019), Barcelona, Spain (2019)
Fedorov, L.; Dijkstra, T.; Murayama, Y.; Bohle, C.; Logothetis, N.: Topological analysis of multi-site LFP data. Ninth International Workshop Statistical Analysis of Neuronal Data (SAND9), Pittsburgh, PA, USA (2019)
Dwarakanath, A.; Kapoor, V.; Fedorov, L.; Safavi, S.; Werner, J.; Hatsopoulos, N.; Logothetis, N.; Panagiotaropoulos, T.: Low frequency oscillatory bursts in the macaque prefrontal cortex predict spontaneous transitions in the content of consciousness. 13th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, 37th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Göttingen, Germany (2019)
Fedorov, L.; Dijkstra, T.; Sting, L.; Hock, H.; Giese, M.: Neural model of the multi-stable dynamics of the perception of body motion. Twenty-Seventh Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2018), Seattle, WA, USA (2018)
Fedorov, L.; Dijkstra, T.; Sting, L.; Hock, H.; Giese, M.: Modeling of the perceptual dynamics of the perception of body motion. 26th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2017), Antwerp, Belgium (2017)
Sting, L.; Fedorov, L.; Dijkstra, T.; Hock, H.; Giese, M.: Dynamics of multistable biological motion perception. 17th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS 2017), St. Pete Beach, FL, USA (2017)
Fedorov, L.; Giese, M.: An integrated model for the shading and silhouette cues in the perception of biological motion. 16th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS 2016) , St. Pete Beach, FL, USA (2016)
Fedorov, L.; Giese, M.: A model for multi-stable dynamics in action recognition modulated by integration of silhouette and shading cues. 25th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2016), Seogwipo City, South Korea (2016)
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