Publikationen von R Zeraati

Poster (10)

Zeraati, R.; Shi, Y.; Steinmetz, N.; Moore, T.; Engel, T.; Levina, A.: Timescales of neural activity reflect the local network connectivity and are modulated during spatial attention. Bernstein Conference 2020 (2020)
Shi, Y.; Zeraati, R.; Levina, A.; Engel, T.: Spatiotemporal neural correlations and network dynamics. Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (COSYNE 2020) , Denver, CO, USA (2020)
Zeraati, R.; Shi, Y.; Gieselmann, M.; Steinmetz, N.; Moore, T.; Thiele, A.; Engel, T.; Levina, A.: Timescales of ongoing activity reflect local connectivity and are modulated during attention. Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting (COSYNE 2020) , Denver, CO, USA (2020)
Zeraati, R.; Steinmetz, N.; Moore, T.; Engel, T.; Levina, A.: Timescales of spontaneous cortical dynamics reflect the underlying spatial network structure. Bernstein Conference 2019, Berlin, Germany (2019)
Zeraati, R.; Engel, T.; Levina, A.: Critical avalanches in a spatially structured model of cortical On-Off dynamics. Bernstein Conference 2018, Berlin, Germany (2018)

Preprint (2)

Khajehabdollahi, S.; Zeraati, R.; Giannakakis, E.; Schäfer, T.; Martius, G.; Levina, A.: Emergent mechanisms for long timescales depend on training curriculum and affect performance in memory tasks. (eingereicht)
Zeraati, R.; Buendía, V.; Engel, T.; Levina, A.: Topology-dependent coalescence controls scaling exponents in finite networks. (eingereicht)
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