Wahrnehmung und Handlung anhand eines kybernetischen Ansatzes

Publikationen von J. Romero

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Foster, C.; Zhao, M.; Romero, J.; Black, M.; Mohler, B.; Bartels, A.; Bülthoff, I.: Decoding subcategories of human bodies from both body- and face-responsive cortical regions. NeuroImage 202, 116085 (2019)
Thaler, A.; Piryankova, I.; Stefanucci, J.; de la Rosa, S.; Streuber, S.; Romero, J.; Black, M.; Mohler, B.: Visual Perception and Evaluation of Photo-Realistic Self-Avatars from 3D Body Scans in Males and Females. Frontiers in ICT 5, 18, S. 1 - 14 (2018)

Konferenzbeitrag (2)

Fleming, R.; Mohler, B.; Romero, J.; Black, M. J.; Breidt, M.: Appealing female avatars from 3D body scans: Perceptual effects of stylization. In: 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2016): GRAPP 2016, S. 335 - 345 (Hg. Magnenat-Thalmann, N.; Richard, P.; Linsen, L.; Telea, A.; Battiato, S. et al.). 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2016): GRAPP 2016, Roma, Italy. Scitepress, Setúbal, Portugal (2016)
Piryankova, I.; Stefanucci, J. K.; Romero, J.; de la Rosa, S.; Black, M. J.; Mohler, B.: Can I recognize my body's weight? The influence of shape and texture on the perception of self. ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (SAP '14), Vancouver, Canada. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception 11 (3), 13, S. 1 - 18 (2014)

Poster (1)

Piryankova, I.; Stefanucci, J. K.; Romero, J.; de la Rosa, S.; Black, M. J.; Mohler, B. J.: Can I recognize my body's weight? The influence of shape and texture on the perception of self. 41st International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH 2014), Vancouver, Canada (2014)
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