Poster (159)

Schindler, A.; Kleiner, M.; Bartels, A.: Decoding Egocentric Space in human Posterior Parietal Cortex using fMRI. 12th Conference of Junior Neuroscientists of Tübingen (NeNA 2011), Heiligkreuztal, Germany (2011)
Serino, A.; Canzoneri, E.; Leo, F.; Furetta, C.; Làdavas, E.: Extended peripersonal space in professional fencers. 12th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF 2011), Fukuoka, Japan (2011)
Soyka, F.; Barnett-Cowan, M.; Robuffo Giordano, P.; Bülthoff, H.: Integration of Translational and Rotational Vestibular Cues for Direction Detection during Eccentric Rotations. 12th Conference of Junior Neuroscientists of Tübingen (NeNA 2011), Heiligkreuztal, Germany (2011)
Soyka, F.; de Winkel, K.; Barnett-Cowan, M.; Groen, E.; Bülthoff, H.: Integration of visual and vestibular information used to discriminate rotational self-motion. 12th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF 2011), Fukuoka, Japan (2011)
Theis, L.; Hosseini, R.; Bethge, M.: A multiscale model of natural images. 12th Conference of Junior Neuroscientists of Tübingen (NeNA 2011), Heiligkreuztal, Germany (2011)
Tsiatsis, P.; Noppeney, U.: Auditory Processing under Steady State Visual Driving. 12th Conference of Junior Neuroscientists of Tübingen (NeNA 2011), Heiligkreuztal, Germany (2011)
van Keulen, S.; Logothetis, N.; Eschenko, O.: Differential noradrenergic modulation of the rat somatosensory and prefrontal cortex. 12th Conference of Junior Neuroscientists of Tübingen (NeNA 2011), Heiligkreuztal, Germany (2011)
Veit, J.; Bhattacharyya, A.; Kretz, R.; Rainer, G.: Receptive field properties of tree shrew primary visual neurons and local field potentials. 12th Conference of Junior Neuroscientists of Tübingen (NeNA 2011), Heiligkreuztal, Germany (2011)
Volkova, E.; Mohler, B.; Linkenauger, S.; Alexandrova, I.; Bülthoff, H.: Contribution of Prosody in Audio-visual Integration to Emotional Perception of Virtual Characters. 12th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF 2011), Fukuoka, Japan (2011)
Zaretskaya, N.; Anstis, S.; Bartels, A.: Parietal cortex mediates perceptual grouping of local elements into a whole. 12th Conference of Junior Neuroscientists of Tübingen (NeNA 2011), Heiligkreuztal, Germany (2011)
Zoelch, N.; Heinzer-Schweizer, S.; Boesiger, P.; Henning, A.: ERETIC based in vivo 1H MRSI quantification. 28th Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB 2011, Leipzig, Germany (2011)
Benito, N.; Logothetis, N.; Herreras, O.; Canals, S.: Peri-Synaptic Origin of the Bold-FMRI Signal. XIV Congreso Nacional Sociedad Espanola de NeuroCincia (SENC 2011), Salamanca, Spain (2011)
Bülthoff, I.; Shrimpton, S.; Mohler, B.; Thornton, I.: Using avatars to explore height/pitch effects when learning new faces. 11th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS 2011), Naples, FL, USA (2011)
Chuang, L.; Souman, J.: Object speed estimation during walking does not add up. Bernstein Cluster D Symposium: Multisensory Perception and Action, Tübingen, Germany (2011)
Cleppien, D.; Sartorius, A.; Noori, H.; Zheng, L.; Weber-Fahr, W.: High-resolution regional cerebral blood volume mapping by using pharmacological high-field magnetic resonance imaging. 24th European College Neuropsychopharmacology Congress (ECNP 2011), Paris, France (2011)
Di Luca, M.; Machulla, T.; Barnett-Cowan, M.; Ernst, M.: Recalibration of audiovisual simultaneity. Bernstein Cluster D Symposium: Multisensory Perception and Action, Tübingen, Germany (2011)
Esins, J.; Bülthoff, I.; Schultz, J.: The role of featural and configural information for perceived similarity between faces. 11th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS 2011), Naples, FL, USA (2011)
Kaulard, K.; Fernandez Cruz, A.; Bülthoff, H.; Schultz, J.: Uncovering the principles that allow a distinction of conversational facial expressions. 11th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS 2011), Naples, FL, USA (2011)
Keliris, G.; Engelmann, J.; Scheffler, K.: Development of multimodal probes targeting β-galactosidase. COST D38 Final Meeting: Metal-Based Systems for Molecular Imaging Applications, Oxford, UK (2011)
Lee, R.; Bülthoff, I.; Armann, R.; Wallraven, C.; Bülthoff, H.: The other-race effect is not ubiquitous. 11th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS 2011), Naples, FL, USA (2011)
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