Zeitschriftenartikel (178)

Ghazanfar, A.; Santos, L.: Primate brains in the wild: the sensory bases for social interactions. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 5 (8), S. 603 - 616 (2004)
Hau, M.; Dominguez, O.; Evrard, H.: Testosterone reduces responsiveness to nociceptive stimuli in a wild bird. Hormones and Behavior 46 (2), S. 165 - 170 (2004)
Henning g, G.; Hoddinott, K.; Wilson-Smith, Z.; Hill, N.: Masking effect produced by Mach bands on the detection of narrow bars of random polarity. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 21 (8), S. 1379 - 1387 (2004)
Herrmann, C.; Munk, M.; Engel, A.: Cognitive functions of gamma-band activity: memory match and utilization. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 8 (8), S. 347 - 355 (2004)
Kayser, K.; Kim, M.; Ugurbil, K.; Kim, D.; König, P.: A comparison of hemodynamic and neural responses in cat visual cortex using complex stimuli. Cerebral Cortex 14 (8), S. 881 - 891 (2004)
Kayser, K.; Kording, K.; König, P.: Processing of complex stimuli and natural scenes in the visual cortex. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 14 (4), S. 468 - 473 (2004)
Knauff, M.; Schlieder, C.: Spatial inference: No difference between mental images and mental models. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (4), S. 589 - 590 (2004)
Remedios, R.; Subramanian, L.; Tole, S.: LIM genes parcellate the embryonic amygdala and regulate its development. The Journal of Neuroscience 24 (31), S. 6986 - 6990 (2004)
Sarlegna, F.; Blouin, J.; Vercher, J.-L.; Bresciani, J.-P.; Bourdin, C.; Gauthier, G.: Online control of the direction of rapid reaching movements. Experimental Brain Research 157 (4), S. 468 - 471 (2004)
Schiestl, R.; Fischer, E.; Reliene, R.: Effect of N-Acetyl Cysteine on Oxidative DNA Damage and the Frequency of DNA Deletions in Atm-Deficient Mice. Cancer research: an official organ of the American Association for Cancer Research 64 (15), S. 5148 - 5153 (2004)
Smola, A.; Schölkopf, B.: A Tutorial on Support Vector Regression. Statistics and Computing 14 (3), S. 199 - 222 (2004)
Weber, B.; Westera, G.; Treyer, V.; Burger, C.; Kahn, N.; Buck, A.: Constant-Infusion H215O PET and Acetazolamide Challenge in the Assessment of Cerebral Perfusion Status. Journal of Nuclear Medicine (45), S. 1344 - 1350 (2004)
Welchman, A.; Tuck, V.; Harris, J.: Human observers are biased in judging the angular approach of a projectile. Vision Research 44 (17), S. 2027 - 2042 (2004)
Yeshenko, O.; Guazzelli, A.; Mizumori, S.: Context-dependent reorganization of spatial and movement representations by simultaneously recorded hippocampal and striatal neurons during performance of allocentric and egocentric tasks. Behavioral Neuroscience 118 (4), S. 751 - 769 (2004)
Barnett-Cowan, M.; Peters, M.: Does handedness influence the strength of phantom limb illusions in the virtual reality box? Brain and Cognition 55 (2), S. 275 - 276 (2004)
Bianciardi, M.; Cerasa, A.; Patria, F.; Hagberg, G.: Evaluation of mixed effects in event-related fMRI studies: impact of first-level design and filtering. NeuroImage 22 (3), S. 1351 - 1370 (2004)
Brouwer, A.-M.; Franz, V.; Thornton, I.: Representational momentum in perception and grasping: translating versus transforming objects. Journal of Vision 4 (7), S. 575 - 584 (2004)
Cunningham, D.; Nusseck, M.; Wallraven, C.; Bülthoff, H.: The role of image size in the recognition of conversational facial expressions. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 15 (3-4), S. 305 - 310 (2004)
Maier, J.; Neuhoff, G.; Logothetis, N.; Ghazanfar, A.: Multisensory integration of looming signals by rhesus monkeys. Neuron 43 (2), S. 177 - 181 (2004)
Moeller, G.; Kayser, C.; Knecht, F.; König, P.: Interactions between eye movement systems in cats and humans. Experimental Brain Research 157 (2), S. 215 - 224 (2004)
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