Zeitschriftenartikel (68)

Hentschke, H.; Antkowiak, B.: NMDA receptor-mediated changes of spontaneous activity patterns in thalamocortical slice cultures. Brain Research 830 (1), S. 123 - 137 (1999)
Li, Z.: Visual segmentation by contextual influences via intra-cortical interactions in the primary visual cortex. Network: Computation in Neural Systems 10 (2), S. 187 - 212 (1999)
Pfeuffer, J.; Provencher, S.; Gruetter, R.: Water diffusion in rat brain in vivo as detected at very large b values is multicompartmental. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 8 (2), S. 98 - 108 (1999)
Westheimer, G.; Brincat, S.; Wehrhahn, C.: Contrast dependency of foveal spatial functions: orientation, vernier, separation, blur and displacement discrimination and the tilt and Poggendorff illusions. Vision Research 39 (9), S. 1631 - 1639 (1999)
Dayan, P.: Recurrent sampling models for the Helmholtz machine. Neural computation 11 (3), S. 653 - 677 (1999)
Gegenfurtner, K.; Mayser, H.; Sharpe, L.: Seeing movement in the dark. Nature 398 (6727), S. 475 - 476 (1999)
Noppeney, U.; Nacimiento, W.: Bilaterale Hypoglossusparese als isolierte neurologische Symptomatik nach Schädel-Hirn-Trauma. Nervenarzt 70 (4), S. 357 - 358 (1999)
Rüttiger, L.; Braun, D.; Gegenfurtner, K.; Petersen, D.; Schönle, P.; Sharpe, L.: Selective Color Constancy Deficits after Circumscribed Unilateral Brain Lesions. The Journal of Neuroscience 19 (8), S. 3094 - 3106 (1999)
Troje, N.; Kersten, D.: Viewpoint-dependent recognition of familiar faces. Perception 28 (4), S. 483 - 487 (1999)
von Campenhausen, M.; Kirschfeld, K.: Visual attention modifies spectral sensitivity of nystagmic eye movements. Vision Research 39 (8), S. 1551 - 1554 (1999)
Gegenfurtner, K.: Neurobiology: The eyes have it! Nature 398 (6725), S. 291 - 292 (1999)
Heck, D.: Sequential stimulation of rat and guinea pig cerebellar granular cells in vitro leads to increasing population activity in parallel fibers. Neuroscience Letters 263 (2-3), S. 137 - 140 (1999)
Herculano-Houzel, S.; Munk, M.; Neuenschwander, S.; Singer, W.: Precisely Synchronized Oscillatory Firing Patterns Require Electroencephalographic Activation. The Journal of Neuroscience 19 (10), S. 3992 - 4010 (1999)
Kammer, T.; Lehr, L.; Kirschfeld, K.: Cortical visual processing is temporally dispersed by luminance in human subjects. Neuroscience Letters 263 (2-3), S. 133 - 136 (1999)
Nowak, L.; Munk, M.; James , A.; Girard, P.; Bullier, J.: Cross-Correlation Study of the Temporal Interactions Between Areas V1 and V2 of the Macaque Monkey. Journal of Neurophysiology 81 (3), S. 1057 - 1074 (1999)
Vogt, M.; Curio, C.; Ermert, H.; el Gammal, S.; Kaspar , K.; Hoffmann, K.; Stücker, M.; Altmeyer, P.: Kombinierte Erfassung von axialem und transversalem Blutfluß mit einem 50MHz-Ultraschall-B-Bild-System für die Dermatologie. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik 9 (1), S. 30 - 36 (1999)
Li, Z.; Dayan, P.: Computational differences between asymmetrical and symmetrical networks. Network: Computation in Neural Systems 10 (1), S. 59 - 77 (1999)
Troje, N.; Huber, L.; Loidolt , M.; Aust, U.; Fieder, M.: Categorical learning in pigeons: the role of texture and shape in complex static stimuli. Vision Research 39 (2), S. 353 - 366 (1999)
Abbott, L.; Dayan, P.: The Effect of Correlated Variability on the Accuracy of a Population Code. Neural computation 11 (1), S. 91 - 101 (1999)
BD, K.: Dopamin-Glutamat-Interaktion in der ventralen Schleife der Basalganglien. Vision Research 39, S. 3702 - 3709 (1999)
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