I'm heading the Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg (hosted by the MPI for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen). The office's mission is to support the participation of Max Planck scientists in national, international, and European Union funded research activities. My work covers Max Planck institutes in Tübingen, Freiburg im Breisgau, and Stuttgart.
The EU Regional Office is part of a larger initiative launched by the Max Planck Society in 2007 in order to provide adequate support to Max Planck Institutes across Germany.
The office also serves as a regional contact point which seeks to generate and disseminate best practice, to network with other MP Regional Offices and the MP EU Office in Brussels, and to liaise with the National Contact Points from BmBF, the European Commission and other European institutions.
Diploma/Master degree in Political sciences, Economics and Communication sciences (Berlin and Paris).
Career history: Delegation of the European Commission to the United Nations in New York (three-months internship), European Commission (Directorate General - External Economic Relations) in Brussels, EU liaison and Head of EU office at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (more than 10 years).
2000 - 2003: Co-ordinator of EU Project 'Academic Heritage and Universities' involving 12 universities from 6 European countries.
2003 - 2007: Member of the 'Bundesarbeitskreis der EU-Referenten (BAK)', chair of the 'Forschungsarbeitskreis der Hochschulen Sachsen-Anhalts'.
Since 1.12.2007 Head of the Max Planck EU Regional Office Baden-Württemberg (based in Tübingen).
From 2011 to 2014 in charge of the Management of EU Project 'myCopter - Enabling Technologies for Personal Air Vehicles' assembling 6 institutions from 3 European countries (Co-ordinator: Heinrich H. Bülthoff).