Zeitschriftenartikel (5478)

Egelhaaf, M.; Borst, A.: Are there separate ON and OFF channels in fly motion vision? Visual Neuroscience 8 (2), S. 151 - 164 (1992)
Bülthoff, H.; Edelman, S.: Psychophysical support for a 2-D view interpolation theory of object recognition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America 89 (1), S. 60 - 64 (1992)
Bülthoff, H.; Edelman, S.: Psychophysical support for a two-dimensional view interpolation theory of object recognition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 89 (1), S. 60 - 64 (1992)
Li, Z.: Different retinal ganglion cells have different functional goals. International Journal of Neural Systems 3 (3), S. 237 - 248 (1992)
Pulvermüller, F.: Constituents of a neurological theory of language. Concepts in Neuroscience 3, S. 157 - 200 (1992)
Kirschfeld, K.: An optomotor control system with automatic compensation for contrast and texture. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 246 (1317), S. 261 - 268 (1991)
Kirschfeld, K.: Synchronized Activity in the Insect Brain. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C: Journal of Biosciences 46 (11-12), S. 1134 - 1136 (1991)
Aertsen, A.; Vaadia, E.; Abeles, M.; Ahissar, M.; Bergman, H.; Karmon, B.; Lavner, Y.; Margalit, E.; Nelken, I.; Rotter, S.: Neural Interactions in the Frontal Cortex of a Behaving Monkey: Signs of Dependence on Stimulus Context and Behavioral State. Journal für Hirnforschung 32 (6), S. 735 - 743 (1991)
Wagner, H.; Schaeffel, F.: Barn owls (Tyto alba) use accommodation as a distance cue. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 169 (5), S. 515 - 521 (1991)
Yuille, A.; Geiger, D.; Bülthoff, H.: Stereo Integration, Mean Field Theory and Psychophysics. Network: Computation in Neural Systems 2 (4), S. 423 - 442 (1991)
Logothetis, N.: Is movement perception color blind? Current Biology 1 (5), S. 298 - 300 (1991)
Pulvermüller, F.; Preißl, H.: A cell assembly model of language. Network: Computation in Neural Systems 2 (4), S. 455 - 468 (1991)
Fahle, M.; Wehrhahn, C.: Motion perception in the peripheral visual field. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 229 (5), S. 430 - 436 (1991)
Quenzer, T.; Zanker, J.: Visual detection of paradoxical motion in flies. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 169 (3), S. 331 - 340 (1991)
Sandler, C.; Kirschfeld, K.: Light-induced extracellular calcium and sodium concentration changes in the retina of Calliphora: involvement in the mechanism of light adaptation. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 169 (3), S. 299 - 311 (1991)
Dayan, P.; Willshaw, D.: Optimising synaptic learning rules in linear associative memories. Biological Cybernetics 65 (4), S. 253 - 265 (1991)
Zanker, J.; Egelhaaf, M.; Warzecha, A.-K.: On the coordination of motor output during visual flight control of flies. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 169 (2), S. 127 - 134 (1991)
Schiller, P.; Logothetis, N.; Charles, E.: Parallel pathways in the visual system: Their role in perception at isoluminance. Neuropsychologia 29 (6), S. 433 - 441 (1991)
Apfelbach, R.; Weiler, E.: Sensitivity to odors in wistar rats is reduced after low-level formaldehyde-gas exposure. Die Naturwissenschaften 78 (5), S. 221 - 223 (1991)
Caeser, M.; Aertsen, A.: Morphological organization of rat hippocampal slice cultures. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 307 (1), S. 87 - 106 (1991)
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