Zeitschriftenartikel (5478)

Intrator, N.; Edelman, S.; Bülthoff, H.: An integrated approach to the study of object features in visual recognition. Network: Computation in Neural Systems 6 (4), S. 603 - 618 (1995)
Scheffler, K.: Design of B1-Insensitive and B1-Selective RF Pulses by Means of Stochastic Optimization. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Series B 109 (2), S. 175 - 183 (1995)
Franz, M.; Zhag, M.: Suppression and creation of chaos in a periodically forced Lorenz system. Physical Review E 52 (4), S. 3558 - 3565 (1995)
Lee, B.; Wehrhahn, C.; Westheimer, G.; Kremers, J.: The spatial precision of macaque retinal ganglion cell responses in relation to vernier acuity in human observers. Vision Research 35 (19), S. 2743 - 2758 (1995)
Montague, P.; Dayan, P.; Person, C.; Sejnowski , T.: Bee foraging in uncertain environments using predictive hebbian learning. Nature 377 (6551), S. 725 - 728 (1995)
Dayan, P.; Hinton, G.; Neal, R.; Zemel, R.: The Helmholtz Machine. Neural computation 7 (5), S. 889 - 904 (1995)
Oda, Y.; Charpier, S.; Murayama, Y.; Suma, C.; Korn, H.: Long-term potentiation of glycinergic inhibitory synaptic transmission. Journal of Neurophysiology 74 (3), S. 1056 - 1074 (1995)
Aggelopoulos, N.; Duke, C.; Edgley, S.: Non-uniform conduction time in the olivocerebellar pathway in the anaesthetized cat. The Journal of Physiology 486 (3), S. 763 - 768 (1995)
de Belle, J.: Drosophila mushroom body subdomains: innate or learned representations of odor preference and sexual orientation. Neuron 15 (2), S. 245 - 247 (1995)
Hagberg, G.; Burlina, A.; Mader, I.; Roser, W.; Radue, E.; Seelig, J.: In Vivo proton MR spectroscopy of human gliomas: definition of metabolic coordinates for multi-dimensional classification. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 34 (2), S. 242 - 252 (1995)
Avdievich, N.; Forbes, M.: Dynamic Effects in Spin-Correlated Radical Pair Theory: J Modulation and a New Look at the Phenomenon of Alternating Line Widths in the EPR Spectra of Flexible Biradicals. The Journal of Physical Chemistry 99 (24), S. 9660 - 9667 (1995)
Egelhaaf, M.; Borst, A.: Calcium accumulation in visual interneurons of the fly: Stimulus dependence and relationship to membrane potential. Journal of Neurophysiology 73 (6), S. 2540 - 2552 (1995)
Gegenfurtner, K.; Hawken, M.: Temporal and chromatic properties of motion mechanisms. Vision Research 35 (11), S. 1547 - 1563 (1995)
Götz, K.: Processing of visual input in the fruitfly Drosophila. III. Functional flexibility; search and choice. International Centre for Theoretical Physics, S. Triest - Triest (1995)
Roser, W.; Hagberg, G.; Mader, I.; Brunnschweiler, H.; Radue, E.; Seelig, J.; Kappos, L.: Proton MRS of Gadolinium-enhancing MS Plaques and Metabolic Changes in Normal-Appearing White Matter. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 33 (6), S. 811 - 817 (1995)
Antkowiak, B.; Engelmann, W.: Oscillations of apoplasmic K+ and H+ activities in Desmodium motorium (Houtt.) Merril. pulvini in relation to the membrane potential of motor cells and leaflet movements. Planta 196 (2), S. 350 - 356 (1995)
Bülthoff, H.; Edelman, S.; Tarr, M.: How are three-dimensional objects represented in the brain? Cerebral Cortex 5 (3), S. 247 - 260 (1995)
Dayan, P.; Zemel, R.: Competition and Multiple Cause Models. Neural computation 7 (3), S. 565 - 579 (1995)
Heck, D.: Investigating dynamic aspects of brain function in slice preparations: spatiotemporal stimulus patterns generated with an easy-to-build multi-electrode array. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 58 (1-2), S. 81 - 87 (1995)
Logothetis, N.; Pauls, J.: Psychophysical and Physiological Evidence for Viewer-Centered Object Representations in the Primate. Cerebral Cortex 5 (3), S. 270 - 288 (1995)
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