Zeitschriftenartikel (5481)

Scheffler, K.: A pictorial description of steady-states in rapid magnetic resonance imaging. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance 11 (5), S. 291 - 304 (1999)
Winterer, J.; Laubenberger , J.; Scheffler, K.; Neumann, K.; Bayraktarli , Y.; Allmann, K.-H.; Uhrmeister, P.; Langer, M.: Contrast-Enhanced Subtraction MR Angiography in Occlusive Disease of the Pelvic and Lower Limb Arteries: Results of a Prospective Intraindividual Comparative Study with Digital Subtraction Angiography in 76 Patients. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography 23 (4), S. 583 - 589 (1999)
Zeki, S.; Bartels, A.: The clinical and functional measurement of cortical (in)activity in the visual brain, with special reference to the two subdivisions (V4 and V4 alpha) of the human colour centre. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 354 (1387), S. 1371 - 1382 (1999)
Bethge, M.; Pawelzik, K.; Geisel, T.: Brief pauses as signals for depressing synapses. Neurocomputing 26-27, S. 1 - 7 (1999)
Logothetis, N.; Guggenberger, H.; Peled, S.; Pauls, J.: Functional imaging of the monkey brain. Nature Neuroscience 2 (6), S. 555 - 562 (1999)
Mallot, H.: Spatial cognition: Behavioral competences, neural mechanisms, and evolutionary scaling. Kognitionswissenschaft 8 (1), S. 40 - 48 (1999)
Tang, A.; Wolfe, J.; Bartels, A.: Cholinergic modulation of spike timing and spike rate. Neurocomputing 26-27, S. 293 - 298 (1999)
Zeki, S.; Bartels, A.: Toward a theory of visual consciousness. Consciousness and Cognition 8 (2), S. 225 - 259 (1999)
Baune, A.; Sommer, F.; Erb, M.; Wildgruber, D.; Kardatzki, B.; Palm, G.; Grodd, W.: Dynamical Cluster Analysis of Cortical fMRI Activation. NeuroImage 9 (5), S. 477 - 489 (1999)
Blanz, V.; Tarr, M.; Bülthoff, H.: What object attributes determine canonical views? Perception 28 (5), S. 575 - 599 (1999)
Hentschke, H.; Antkowiak, B.: NMDA receptor-mediated changes of spontaneous activity patterns in thalamocortical slice cultures. Brain Research 830 (1), S. 123 - 137 (1999)
Li, Z.: Visual segmentation by contextual influences via intra-cortical interactions in the primary visual cortex. Network: Computation in Neural Systems 10 (2), S. 187 - 212 (1999)
Pfeuffer, J.; Provencher, S.; Gruetter, R.: Water diffusion in rat brain in vivo as detected at very large b values is multicompartmental. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 8 (2), S. 98 - 108 (1999)
Westheimer, G.; Brincat, S.; Wehrhahn, C.: Contrast dependency of foveal spatial functions: orientation, vernier, separation, blur and displacement discrimination and the tilt and Poggendorff illusions. Vision Research 39 (9), S. 1631 - 1639 (1999)
Dayan, P.: Recurrent sampling models for the Helmholtz machine. Neural computation 11 (3), S. 653 - 677 (1999)
Gegenfurtner, K.; Mayser, H.; Sharpe, L.: Seeing movement in the dark. Nature 398 (6727), S. 475 - 476 (1999)
Noppeney, U.; Nacimiento, W.: Bilaterale Hypoglossusparese als isolierte neurologische Symptomatik nach Schädel-Hirn-Trauma. Nervenarzt 70 (4), S. 357 - 358 (1999)
Rüttiger, L.; Braun, D.; Gegenfurtner, K.; Petersen, D.; Schönle, P.; Sharpe, L.: Selective Color Constancy Deficits after Circumscribed Unilateral Brain Lesions. The Journal of Neuroscience 19 (8), S. 3094 - 3106 (1999)
Troje, N.; Kersten, D.: Viewpoint-dependent recognition of familiar faces. Perception 28 (4), S. 483 - 487 (1999)
von Campenhausen, M.; Kirschfeld, K.: Visual attention modifies spectral sensitivity of nystagmic eye movements. Vision Research 39 (8), S. 1551 - 1554 (1999)
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