Zeitschriftenartikel (5483)

di Salle, F.; Esposito, F.; Scarabino, T.; Formisano , E.; Marciano, E.; Saulino, C.; Cirillo, S.; Elefante, R.; Scheffler, K.; Seifritz, E.: FMRI of the auditory system: understanding the neural basis of auditory gestalt. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 21 (10), S. 1213 - 1224 (2003)
Evrard, H.; Balthazart, J.: Aromatase (Estrogen Synthase) Activity in the Dorsal Horn of the Spinal Cord: Functional Implications. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1007 (1), S. 263 - 271 (2003)
Fasano, F.; Capuani, S.; Hagberg, G.; Branca, T.; Indovina, I.; Castriota-Scanderbeg, A.; Maraviglia, B.: Intermolecular double quantum coherences (iDQc) and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) imaging of the human brain at 1.5 T. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 21 (10), S. 1151 - 1157 (2003)
Finger, F.; Schorle, C.; Zien, A.; Gebhard, P.; Goldring, M.; Aigner, T.: Molecular phenotyping of human chondrocyte cell lines T/C-28a2, T/C-28a4, and C-28/I2. Arthritis & Rheumatology 48 (12), S. 3395 - 3403 (2003)
Gregory, L.; Yágüez, L.; Williams, S.; Altmann, C.; Coen, S.; Ng, V.; Brammer, M.; Thompson, D.; Aziz, Q.: Cognitive Modulation of the Cerebral Processing of Human Oesophageal Sensation using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Gut 52 (12), S. 1671 - 1677 (2003)
Hagberg, G.; Bianciardi, M.; Patria, F.; Indovina, I.: Quantitative NumART2* mapping in functional MRI studies at 1.5 T. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 21 (10), S. 1241 - 1249 (2003)
Lawson, R.; Bülthoff, H.; Dumbell, S.: Interactions between view changes and shape changes in picture-picture matching. Perception 32 (12), S. 1465 - 1498 (2003)
Leube, D.; Knoblich, G.; Erb, M.; Grodd, W.; Bartels, M.; Kircher, T.: The neural correlates of perceiving one's own movements. NeuroImage 20 (4), S. 2084 - 2090 (2003)
Lewis, A.; Garcia, R.; Zhaoping, L.: The distribution of visual objects on the retina: connecting eye movements and cone distributions. Journal of Vision 3 (11), 21, S. 893 - 905 (2003)
Strecker, R.; Scheffler, K.; Büchert , M.; Mross, K.; drevs, J.; Hennig, J.: DCE-MRI in clinical trials: data acquisition techniques and analysis methods. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 41 (12), S. 603 - 605 (2003)
Weber, B.; Spaeth, N.; Wyss, M.; Wild, D.; Burger, C.; Stanley, R.; Buck, A.: Quantitative Cerebral Blood Flow Measurements in the Rat Using a Beta-Probe and H215O. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 23 (12), S. 1455 - 1460 (2003)
Wiener, J.; Mallot, H.: "Fine-to-Coarse" Route Planning and Navigation in Regionalized Environments. Spatial Cognition and Computation 3 (4), S. 331 - 358 (2003)
Zhang, X.; Xu , Q.; Xiao, H.; Liang, X.: Iridoid glucosides from Strychnos nux-vomica. Phytochemistry 64 (8), S. 1341 - 1344 (2003)
Becker, A.; Chen, J.; Zien, A.; Sochivko, D.; Normann , S.; Schramm, J.; Elger, C.; Wiesler, O.; Blumcke, I.: Correlated stage- and subfield-associated hippocampal gene expression patterns in experimental and human temporal lobe epilepsy. European Journal of Neuroscience: European Neuroscience Association 18 (10), S. 2792 - 2802 (2003)
Chatziastros, A.; Mühlberger, A.: Tunnelsimulationen gegen Monotonie und Angst. Tunnel 2003 (7), S. 12 - 18 (2003)
Hülsmann, E.; Erb, M.; Grodd, W.: From will to action: sequential cerebellar contributions to voluntary movement. NeuroImage 20 (3), S. 1485 - 1492 (2003)
Linden, D.; Bittner, R.; Muckli , L.; Waltz, J.; Kriegeskorte, N.; Goebel, R.; Singer, W.; Munk, M.: Cortical capacity constraints for visual working memory: dissociation of fMRI load effects in a fronto-parietal network. NeuroImage 20 (3), S. 1518 - 1530 (2003)
Renner, M.; Jung, P.: Kostenfalle – nein danke! LinuxUser 2003 (11) (2003)
Ruge, H.; Brass, M.; Lohmann, G.; von Cramon, D.: Event-related analysis for event types of fixed order and restricted spacing by temporal quantification of trial-averaged fMRI time courses. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 18 (5), S. 599 - 607 (2003)
Scheffler, K.: Basics of non-invasive angiography contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography. JBR-BTR: organe de la Société royale belge de radiologie (SRBR) = orgaan van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Radiologie (KBVR) 86 (6), S. 344 - 346 (2003)
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