Zeitschriftenartikel (169)

Kim, J.; Chung, Y.; Park, J.-Y.; Chung, S.-C.; Wallraven, C.; Bülthoff, H.; Kim, S.-P.: Decoding Accuracy in Supplementary Motor Cortex Correlates with Perceptual Sensitivity to Tactile Roughness. PLoS ONE 10 (6), S. 1 - 17 (2015)
Kullmann, S.; Heni, M.; Veit, R.; Scheffler, K.; Machann, J.; Häring, H.-U.; Fritsche, A.; Preissl, H.: Selective Insulin Resistance in Homeostatic and Cognitive Control Brain Areas in Overweight and Obese Adults. Diabetes Care 38 (6), S. 1044 - 1050 (2015)
Lacoste, A.; Schoppik, D.; Robson, D.; Haesemeyer, M.; Portugues, R.; Li, J.; Randlett, O.; Wee, C.; Engert, F.; Schier, A.: A Convergent and Essential Interneuron Pathway for Mauthner-Cell-Mediated Escapes. Current Biology 25 (11), S. 1526 - 1534 (2015)
Montaue, P.; Lohrenz, T.; Dayan, P.: The three R's of trust. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 3, S. 102 - 106 (2015)
Sweidan, K.; Engelmann, J.; Abu Rayyan, W.; Sabbah, D.; Abu Zarga, M.; Sabbah, D.; Al-Qirim, T.; Al-Hiari, Y.; Abu Sheikha, G.; Shattat, G.: Synthesis and Preliminary Biological Evaluation of New Heterocyclic Carboxamide Models. Letters in Drug Design Discovery 12 (5), S. 417 - 429 (2015)
Völker, M.; Ehses, P.; Weick, S.; Breuer, F.; Blaimer, M.; Hintze, C.; Biederer, J.; Jakob, P.: Free breathing 1H MRI of the human lung with an improved radial turbo spin-echo. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 28 (3), S. 227 - 238 (2015)
Zhao, M.; Warren, W.: How You Get There From Here: Interaction of Visual Landmarks and Path Integration in Human Navigation. Psychological Science 26 (6), S. 915 - 924 (2015)
de Winkel, K.; Katliar, M.; Bülthoff, H.: Forced Fusion in Multisensory Heading Estimation. PLoS One 10 (5), S. 1 - 20 (2015)
Haberl, M.; Viana da Silva, S.; Guest, J.; Ginger, M.; Ghanem, A.; Mulle, C.; Oberlaender, M.; Conzelmann, K.-K.; Frick, A.: An anterograde rabies virus vector for high-resolution large-scale reconstruction of 3D neuron morphology. Brain Structure and Function 220 (3), S. 1369 - 1379 (2015)
Herman, J.; Bogadhi, A.; Krauzlis, R.: Effects of spatial cues on color-change detection in humans. Journal of Vision 15 (6), 3, S. 1 - 16 (2015)
Kabanova, A.; Pabst, M.; Lorkowski, M.; Braganza, O.; Boehlen, A.; Nikbakht , N.; Pothmann, L.; Vaswani, A.; Musgrove, R.; Di Monte, D. et al.; Sauvage, M.; Beck, H.; Blaess, S.: Function and developmental origin of a mesocortical inhibitory circuit. Nature Neuroscience 18 (6), S. 872 - 882 (2015)
Krüger, O.; Shiozawa, C.; Kreifelts, B.; Scheffler, K.; Ethofer, T.: Three distinct fiber pathways of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis to the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. Cortex 66, S. 60 - 68 (2015)
Kumar, V.; Mang, S.; Grodd, W.: Direct diffusion-based parcellation of the human thalamus. Brain Structure & Function 220 (3), S. 1619 - 1635 (2015)
Leyrer, M.; Linkenauger, S.; Bülthoff, H.; Mohler, B.: The Importance of Postural Cues for Determining Eye Height in Immersive Virtual Reality. PLoS One 10 (5), S. 1 - 23 (2015)
Lüdtke, N.; Das, D.; Theis, L.; Bethge, M.: A Generative Model of Natural Texture Surrogates. - submitted (2015)
Miao, F.; Cheng, Y.; He, Y.; He, Q.; Li, Y.: A Wearable Context-Aware ECG Monitoring System Integrated with Built-in Kinematic Sensors of the Smartphone. Sensors 15 (5), S. 11465 - 11484 (2015)
Saulton, A.; Dodds, T.; Bülthoff, H.; de la Rosa, S.: Objects exhibit body model like shape distortions. Experimental Brain Research 233 (5), S. 1471 - 1479 (2015)
Sun, X.; Kroemer, N.; Babbs, A.; Veldhuizen, M.; de Araujo, I.; Gitelman, G.; Sherwin, R.; Sinha, R.; Small, D.: Basolateral amygdala response to food cues in the absence of hunger is associated with weight gain susceptibility. The Journal of Neuroscience 35 (20), S. 7964 - 7976 (2015)
Torso, M.; Serra, L.; Giuletti, G.; Spanò, B.; Tuzzi, E.; Koch, G.; Caltagirone, C.; Cercignani, M.; Bozzali, M.: Strategic Lesions in the Anterior Thalamic Radiation and Apathy in Early Alzheimer's Disease. PLoS One 10 (5), S. 1 - 15 (2015)
Vengeliene, V.; Noori, H.; Spanagel, R.: Activation of Melatonin Receptors Reduces Relapse-Like Alcohol Consumption. Neuropsychopharmacology 40 (13), S. 2897 - 2906 (2015)
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