Poster (166)

Lee, H.; Noppemey, U.: Leading or Lagging: Temporal prediction errors are expressed in auditory and visual cortices. 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM 2012), Beijing, China (2012)
Nesti, A.; Barnett-Cowan, M.; Bülthoff, H.; Pretto, P.: Roll rate thresholds in driving simulation. 13th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF 2012), Oxford, UK (2012)
Papanikolaou, A.; Keliris, G.; Papageorgiou, D.; Shao, Y.; Krapp, E.; Schiefer, U.; Logothetis, N.; Smirnakis, S.: Population Receptive Field Mapping in Human Subjects after Lesions of the Visual Pathway. AREADNE 2012: Research in Encoding and Decoding of Neural Ensembles, Santorini, Greece (2012)
Raeder, S.; Bülthoff, H.; Barnett-Cowan, M.: Persistent perceptual delay for head movement onset relative to auditory stimuli of different duration and rise times. 13th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF 2012), Oxford, UK (2012)
Scheidegger, M.; Walter, M.; Lehmann, M.; Metzger, C.; Grimm, S.; Boeker, H.; Boesiger, P.; Henning, A.; Seifritz, E.: Ketamine decreases resting state functional connectivity between networks via the dorsal nexus: implications for major depression. NCCR Neuro Concluding Symposium ZNZ Symposium 2012, Zürich, Switzerland (2012)
Shao, Y.; Keliris, G.; Papanikolaou, A.; Fischer, D.; Nagy, D.; Jaegle, H.; Augath, M.; Logothetis, N.; Smirnakis, S.: Population receptive field measurements in the visual cortex of macaque monkeys with and without retinal lesions. AREADNE 2012: Research in Encoding and Decoding of Neural Ensembles, Santorini, Greece (2012)
Theodoni, P.; Panagiotaropoulos, T.; Kapoor, V.; Logothetis, N.; Deco, G.: Cortical microcircuit dynamics in visual awareness. AREADNE 2012: Research in Encoding and Decoding of Neural Ensembles, Santorini, Greece (2012)
Zaretskaya, N.; Bartels, A.: The Contribution of area V5+/hMT+ to the awareness of motion during binocular rivalry. 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM 2012), Beijing, China (2012)
Abbas, Z.; Fiege, D.; Neuner, I.; Mirkes, C.; Gras, V.; Romanzetti, S.; Shah, N.: Quantitative parametric mapping and tissue sodium concentration at 3T/4T. 20th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2012), Melbourne, Australia (2012)
Avdievitch, N.; Pan, J.; Hetherington, H.: Novel Inductive Decoupling for Single- and Double-Tuned Transceiver Phased Arrays to Compensate for both Reactive and Resistive Components of the Mutual Impedance. 20th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2012), Melbourne, Australia (2012)
Azadbakht , H.; Parkes, L.; Haroon, H.; Augath, M.; Logothetis, N.; de Crespigny, A.; D’Arceuil, H.; Parker, G.: Validation of tractography against in vivo tracing in the macaque visual system: effect of distance correction. 20th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2012), Melbourne, Australia (2012)
Bause, J.; Shajan, G.; Hoffmann, J.; Scheffler, K.; Pohmann, R.: Design and SAR Estimation of a Segmented Loop for Dual Coil CASL at 9.4 T. 20th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2012), Melbourne, Australia (2012)
Blumhagen, J.; Ladebeck, R.; Fenchel, M.; Quick, H.; Scheffler, K.: MR-based FoV Extension of Human Attenuation Correction in Whole-Body MR/PET Hybrid Imaging. 20th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2012), Melbourne, Australia (2012)
Blumhagen, J.; Ladebeck, R.; Fenchel, M.; Scheffler, K.; Quick, H.: MR-based FoV Extension in Whole-Body MR/PET Using Continuous Table Move. 20th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2012), Melbourne, Australia (2012)
Breuer, F.; Ehses, P.; Deiberlich, N.; Blaimer, M.; Jakob, P.; Griswold, M.: High quality Real-Time Cardiac MRI using Self-Calibrating Radial GRAPPA with Sparsification. 20th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2012), Melbourne, Australia (2012)
Cavusoglu, M.; Pohmann, R.; Uludag, K.: Magnetization dispersion effects on quantitative perfusion imaging for pulsed and continuous arterial spin labeling. 20th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2012), Melbourne, Australia (2012)
Chen, X.; Boesiger, P.; Henning, A.: Cholesterol detection in adipose tissue by natural abundance in vivo 13C MRS at 7T. 20th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2012), Melbourne, Australia (2012)
Chen, X.; Boesiger, P.; Henning, A.: J-refocused 1H PRESS combined with DEPT for localized saturated fatty acids detection by in vivo 13C MRS. 20th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2012), Melbourne, Australia (2012)
Deshmane, A.; Seiberlich, N.; Duerk, J.; Griswold, M.: GRAPPA Operator Shift Correction for Non-Cartesian Imaging Trajectories. 20th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2012), Melbourne, Australia (2012)
Dokumaci, A.; Zölch, N.; Wyss, M.; Fuchs, A.; Boesoger, P.; Henning, A.: Correlation-based cross validation of PRESS, MEGA PRESS editing and 2D JPRESS at 3T. 20th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2012), Melbourne, Australia (2012)
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