Preprint (136)

Shen, T.; Dayan, P.: Risking your Tail: Modeling Individual Differences in Risk-sensitive Exploration using Conditional Value at Risk and Bayes Adaptive Markov Decision Processes. (eingereicht)
Wu, C.; Meder, B.; Schulz, E.: Unifying principles of generalization: past, present, and future. (eingereicht)
Basgol, H.; Dayan, P.; Franz, V.: Violation of Auditory Regularities is Reflected in Pupil Dynamics. (eingereicht)
Choi, S.; Hike, D.; Pohmann, R.; Avdievich, N.; Gomez Cid, L.; Man, W.; Scheffler, K.; Yu, X.: Alpha-180 spin-echo based line-scanning method for high resolution laminar-specific fMRI. (eingereicht)
Fardet, T.; Giannakakis, E.; Paulun, K.; Levina, A.: Revising clustering and small-worldness in brain networks. (eingereicht)
Hedrich, N.; Schulz, E.; Hall-McMaster, S.; Schuck, N.: An inductive bias for slowly changing features in human reinforcement learning. (eingereicht)
Shen, T.; Dayan, P.: Risking your Tail: Curiosity, Danger and Exploration. (eingereicht)
Wu, C.; Deffner, D.; Kahl, B.; Meder, B.; Ho, M.; Kurvers, R.: Visual-spatial dynamics drive adaptive social learning in immersive environments. (eingereicht)
Binz, M.; Alaniz, S.; Roskies, A.; Aczel, B.; Bergstrom, C.; Allen, C.; Schad, D.; Wulff, D.; West, J.; Zhang, Q. et al.; Shriffrin, R.; Gershman, S.; Popov, V.; Bender, E.; Marelli, M.; Botvinick, M.; Akata, Z.; Schulz, E.: How should the advent of large language models affect the practice of science? (eingereicht)
Bruijns, S.; International Brain Laboratory; Bougrova, K.; Laranjeira, I.; Lau, P.; Meijer, G.; Miska, N.; Noel, J.-P.; Pan-Vazquez, A.; Roth, N. et al.; Socha, K.; Urai, A.; Dayan, P.: Dissecting the Complexities of Learning With Infinite Hidden Markov Models. (eingereicht)
Thalmann, M.; Schäfer, T.; Theves, S.; Doeller, C.; Schulz, E.: Task Imprinting: Another Mechanism of Representational Change? (eingereicht)
Wu, S.; Thalmann, M.; Schulz, E.: Motif Learning Facilitates Sequence Memorization and Generalization. (eingereicht)
Lee, J.; Donato, S.; Mack, A.; Mattheus, U.; Tromba, G.; Longo, E.; D’Amico, L.; Mueller, S.; Shiozawa, T.; Bause, J. et al.; Scheffler, K.; Longo, R.; Hagberg, G.: Protocol for 3D Virtual Histology of Unstained Human Brain Tissue using Synchrotron Radiation Phase-Contrast Microtomography. (eingereicht)
Lohmann, G.; Heczko, S.; Mahler, L.; Wang, Q.; Steiglechner, J.; Kumar, V.; Roost, M.; Jost, J.; Scheffler, K.: Improving the reliability of fMRI-based predictions of intelligence via semi-blind machine learning. (eingereicht)
Schulze Buschoff, L.; Akata, E.; Bethge, M.; Schulz, E.: Have we built machines that think like people? (eingereicht)
Yang, C.; Mammen, L.; Kim, B.; Robson, D.; Li, J.: A population code for spatial representation in the larval zebrafish telencephalon. (eingereicht)
Barnby, J.; Bellucci, G.; Alon, N.; Schilbach, L.; Bell, V.; Frith, C.; Dayan, P.: Beyond Theory of Mind: A formal framework for social inference and representation. (eingereicht)
Kabanova, A.; Yang, M.; Logothetis, N.; Eschenko, O.: Preserved auditory salience processing after chemogenetic inhibition of the locus coeruleus noradrenergic neurons in wild-type rats. (eingereicht)
Karolis Degutis, K.; Chaimow, D.; Haenelt, D.; Assem, M.; Duncan, J.; Haynes, J.-D.; Weiskopf, N.; Lorenz, R.: Dynamic layer-specific processing in the prefrontal cortex during working memory. (eingereicht)
Lazar, R.; Degen, J.; Fiechter, A.-S.; Monticelli, A.; Spitschan, M.: Regulation of pupil size in natural vision across the human lifespan. (eingereicht)
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