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Abnormalities and Artefacts

Interview with Klaus Scheffler on the use of artificial intelligence in medical imaging more

Max Planck scientists develop cost-efficient medical imaging method

A project that combines low-field magnetic resonance imaging with hyperpolarization will be presented at the 73rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting on July 5


Of mice, men, and machines

A historical perspective on reinforcement learning more

Pupil dilation decreases with age

Poor lighting conditions can reduce quality of life more

From dawdling to doing: the science of procrastination

Understanding why we delay tasks may help reclaim productivity more

<span><span><span><span><span>“What’s done in the lab is often in sharp contrast to the real world“ </span></span></span></span></span>

"Light for health and well-being" was the title under which Prof. Dr. Manuel Spitschan (Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics/TU Munich) brought together 20 international experts for a "Ladenburg Roundtable" from April 14 to 16, 2024. This conference format of the Daimler and Benz Foundation offers room for reflection on scientifically and socially relevant research topics. We spoke with Spitschan about light exposure, its consequences for health and society, research desiderata, and the importance of successful science communication.  more

Cybernetics and neural systems

The intertwined research journey of AI and neuroscience more

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