Talk (124)

Logothetis, N.; Eschenko, O.; Murayama, Y.; Augath, M.; Steudel, T.; Evrard, H.; Besserve, M.; Oeltermann, A.: Studying large-scale brain networks: electrical stimulation and neural-event-triggered fMRI. Twenty-Second Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2013), Paris, France (2013)
Bülthoff, H.: Virtual Reality and Simulation Research in the Max Planck Cyberneum. Workshop on Human Perception in Virtual Environments, York University, Toronto, Canada (2013)
Franchi, A.: Towards Physically Interactive Flying Robots: Physical Action and Human Haptic Control with Micro Aerial Vehicles. RSS 2013 Workshop on Resource-Efficient Integration of Perception, Control and Navigation for Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs), Berlin, Germany (2013)
Pohmann, R.: MR sequence development for perfusion and structural imaging at 3T and 9.4T. Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance (DRCMR), Hvidovre, Denmark (2013)
Braun, D.: Model uncertainty and risk-sensitivity in sensorimotor learning and decision-making. Universität Tübingen: AG Neuronale Informationsverarbeitung, Tübingen, Germany (2013)
Schüz, A.: Network structure of the cerebral cortex: observations on the grey and white matter in mice, monkeys and humans. Second Annual DK+ "Imaging the Mind" Summer School: "Aspects of functional and structural brain connectivity", Salzburg, Austria (2013)
Bülthoff, H.: Und wenn wir einfach zur Arbeit fliegen? Fachforum auf dem Heliday 2013, Kelheim, Germany (2013)
Bülthoff, H.: Neue Konzepte für Autopiloten durch wahrnehmungsbasierte Flugsimulationen. Rollout des neuen Fama-Jetkopters K209, Giebelstadt, Germany (2013)
Pretto, P.: Perception-based Motion Simulation. 6th Human Centered Motion Cueing Workshop, Tübingen, Germany (2013)
Bülthoff, H.: Cyberneum reloaded: Virtual Reality and Simulation Research. Opening presentation for the new Cyberneum building at the Max Planck Campus, Tübingen, Germany (2013)
Henning, A.: MR Spectroscopic Imaging in Oncology. Biomedica 2013: The 7th European Life Sciences Summit, Aachen, Germany (2013)
Oberlaender, M.: Reverse-engineering the 3D structure and sensory-evoked signal flow of rat neocortex. International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Trieste, Italy (2013)
Pretto, P.: Perception-based motion simulation. Vehicle Dynamics Expo 2013 Open Technology Forum, Stuttgart, Germany (2013)
Watanabe, M.: Is the primary visual cortex modulated by visual awareness? University of Glasgow: Seminar Series in Psychology, Glasgow, UK (2013)
Oberlaender, M.: In the Pursuit of Connectomes: Combining in vivo Recordings with automated Reconstructions of complete 3D Neuron Morphology. Conference: Digital Reconstruction of Neuronal Morphology: Recognizing the Breakthroughs, George Mason University, Washington, DC, USA (2013)
Angelovski, G.: Visualization of biological processes using responsive MRI contrast agents. 8th International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-East European Countries (ICOSECS 2013), Beograd, Serbia (2013)
B�lthoff HH{hhb}{Department Human Perception, C.; Action}: Neue Konzepte f�r Autopiloten durch wahrnehmungsbasierte Flugsimulationen. Rollout des neuen Fama-Jetkopters K209, Giebelstadt, Germany (2013)
Curio, C.: Design and Optimization of Computer-Vision based Car-User Interfaces. Leopold Kostal GmbH, Lüdenscheid, Germany (2013)
Gillespie, T.; Liebsch, M.: Trends in Engineering Applications of Driving Simulators. Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2013, Stuttgart, Germany (2013)
Kerr, J.: Imaging neuronal and behavioral activity in the freely moving animal: What are they looking at? Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt a.M., Germany (2013)
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