Adamantini Chatzipanagioti

Alumni of the Department Human Perception, Cognition and Action
Alumni of the Group Social and Spatial Cognition

Main Focus

I am currently a member of the Social and Spatial Cognition Group in Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics (started 1 of October). I work as a Post Doctoral researcher in the project of Collaborative Spatial Problem Solving, under the supervision of and .

My research interests lie within the field of spatial cognition, and especially on how people encode, maintain and update information aquired from perception, memory and other modalities such as language. Among others i am interested in spatial perspective taking, as well as in the cognitive mechanisms that underlie problem solving in collaborative tasks.

Collaborative Spatial Problem Solving

In everyday life we come across various problems that can be either simple or complex. Research shows that solving a problem with another person might be more efficient than solving it individually. However, the cognitive mechanisms that underlie collaborative problem solving still remain unknown. The goal of the project is to examine the representations, the memory load and the strategies that collaborators use in a 3D puzzle task.

Problem Solving Task

Participants will work individually and in pairs to solve a 3D Rubik's cube type puzzle presented in VR settings.

Navigation Task

Participants in this task will have to navigate in a virtual city that can be viewed only from top. Their task will be to collect all objects placed at various locations around the city, as fast as possible. Participants will carry out the task either individually or in pairs.

Curriculum Vitae


2012 – 2017: PhD in Cognitive Psychology, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences and  Education, University of Cyprus (Supervisor: Dr. M, Avraamides).

2010 – 2012: MA in Cognitive Psychology, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Education, University of Cyprus.

2004 – 2008: \t \tBA in Philosophy, Education and Psychology, with concentration in Psychology, Department of Philosophy, University of Ioannina.

Professional Experience

5/2015 - 6/2015: Special Scientist in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cyprus. Project: “Integration of spatial information within and across modalities”

3/2015 - 4/2015: Special Scientist in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cyprus. Project: “Examining the neural correlates of spatial interference effects”

3/2014 - 2/2015: Graduate Research Assistant in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cyprus. \t Project: “Neural Spatial”

3/2013 - 2/2014: Graduate Research Assistant in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cyprus. Project: “Examining the neural correlates of spatial interference effects”

8/2012 - 1/2013: Internship in the Center for Cognitive and Neural Systems (CCNs) at the University of Edinburgh. Project: “Schemas and memory consolidation, experiments and theory”

12/2011 - 6/2012: Graduate Research Assistant in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cyprus. ERC Project: “Multiple systems of spatial memory”

1 - 3/2012: Independent Study in the Experimental Psychology Lab and the Center for Applied Neuroscience (University of Cyprus): Electrophysiological recordings in experiments with humans.

1 -5/2017: Course Instructor for undergraduate course Memory (University of Cyprus)

1 - 5/2016: Course Instructor for undergraduate course Memory (University of Cyprus)

3/2015-2016-2017:\tGuest Lecturer for PhD course PhD Seminar (University of Cyprus)

9 - 12/2011:\tTeaching Assistant for undergraduate course Cognitive Psychology (University of Cyprus)

9 - 12/2011: Teaching Assistant for undergraduate course Research Methodology II: Correlational and Experimental Research (University of Cyprus)

1 - 5/2010: Teaching Assistant for undergraduate course Cognitive Psychology II: Attention & Perception (University of Cyprus)

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