
Supplementary Videos of "Decipher the concurrent bidirectional regulation of the fMRI signal by astrocytes"

Map the instrinsic astrocytic calcium signal specific subcortical activation patterns

Two astrocytic calcium coupled events, evoked only (left panel) vs. concurrent (evoked +intrinsic, right panel), were separated to show the averaged astrocytic calcium (top panel, blue line) and simultaneous BOLD signal (middle panel, dark line). The time-lapsed function maps at 1.5s (solid green box) and 4.5s (dashed green box) after stimulation show the event-related activity pattern. Left panel shows the FP-S1 activation for the evoked only event. The right panel shows the activation in the central thalamic region of the concurrent event at 1.5s (upper panel), followed by broad negative BOLD signal in the cortex and ventricle areas at 4.5s (lower panel).

3D rendering of the subcortical activation patterns underlying the intrinsic astrocytic Ca2+ spikes

The 3D contour rendering movie to show the activated subcortical regions for the event-related astrocytic calcium signal (left, evoked only; right, concurrent (evoked + intrinsic)).The 3D contour rendering movie to show the activated subcortical regions for the event-related astrocytic calcium signal (left, evoked only; right, concurrent (evoked + intrinsic)).

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