Poster (4063)

Wallraven, C.; Newell, F.; Huber, S.: The Role of Dynamic Object Properties in Categorisation. XII ESCOP and XVIII BPS Cognitive Section Conference, Edinburgh, UK (2001)
Bülthoff, I.; Newell, F.: Average faces and gender categories: no evidence of categorical perception. Twenty-fourth European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2001), Kusadasi, Turkey (2001)
Chatziastros, A.; Bülthoff, H.: Arm, head, and eye movement while driving through an irregular flow field. Twenty-fourth European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2001), Kusadasi, Turkey (2001)
Cunningham, D.; Bülthoff, H.: Temporal Adaptation with a variable delay. Twenty-fourth European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2001), Kusadasi, Turkey (2001)
Franz, V.; Bülthoff, H.; Fahle, M.; Thornton, I.: Grasping and representational momentum. Twenty-fourth European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2001), Kusadasi, Turkey (2001)
Huber, S.; Newell, F.; Wallraven, C.: Categorisation of dynamic objects. Twenty-fourth European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2001), Kusadasi, Turkey (2001)
Newell, F.; Peskin, M.; Bülthoff, H.; Blanz, V.: Memory for atypical and typical objects. Twenty-fourth European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2001), Kusadasi, Turkey (2001)
Nielsen, K.; Rainer, G.; Logothetis, N.: Comparison of image decomposition techniques: results from psychophysics and computation. Twenty-fourth European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2001), Kusadasi, Turkey (2001)
Readinger, W.; Chatziastros, A.; Cunningham, D.; Bülthoff, H.: Driving effects of retinal flow properties associated with eccentric gaze. Twenty-fourth European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2001), Kusadasi, Turkey (2001)
Silver, M.; Leopold, D.; Logothetis, N.: Grouping and segmentation in binocular rivalry. Twenty-fourth European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2001), Kusadasi, Turkey (2001)
Thornton, I.; Bülthoff, H.; Aguilar, N.: Anticipating human action in a crowd. Twenty-fourth European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2001), Kusadasi, Turkey (2001)
von der Heyde, M.; Bülthoff, H.: Two strategies to integrate visual-vestibular self motion: comparison of landmark and optic-flow information. Twenty-fourth European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2001), Kusadasi, Turkey (2001)
Vuong, Q.; Domini, F.: Modulation by a stereo context in learning shape discrimination from motion cue. Twenty-fourth European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2001), Kusadasi, Turkey (2001)
Anders, S.; Lotze, M.; Erb, M.; Grodd, W.; Birbaumer, N.: Brain activity and peripheral responses evoked by a simple fear-conditioned stimulus. Seventh Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM 2001), Brighton, UK (2001)
Busch, N.; Lohmann, G.; von Cramon, D.: LIMA: An object-oriented segmentation and visualization framework for medical data sets. Seventh Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM 2001), Brighton, UK (2001)
Erb, M.; Hidsmann, E.; Klose, U.; Thesen, S.; Grodd, W.: Brain activation mapping of leg movement using fMRI with prospective motion correction. Seventh Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM 2001), Brighton, UK (2001)
Helbig, H.; Herrnberger, B.; Ehret, G.: Representation of amplitude-modulated tones in the auditory midbrain. 4th Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, 28th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, Göttingen, Germany (2001)
Huelsmann, E.; Erb, M.; Rodden, A.; Grodd, W.: Spatio-temporal evolution of cortical activation during voluntary movements in event-related fMRI. Seventh Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM 2001), Brighton, UK (2001)
Leube, D.; Erb, M.; Grodd, W.; Bartels, M.; Kircher, T.: Activation of right fronto-temporal cortex during semantic processing of the “living” category. Seventh Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM 2001), Brighton, UK (2001)
Lohmann, G.; Müller, K.; Bosch, V.; Mentzel, H.; Busch, N.; von Cramon, D.: Lipsia: A software package for the analysis of fMRI data. Seventh Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (HBM 2001), Brighton, UK (2001)
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