Meeting Abstract (107)

Meeting Abstract
Zhaoping, L.: Functional role of the centrifugal feedback to the olfactory bulb: computational model and experimental data. In Chemical Senses, 42 (2), S37, p. e16. XXVIth Annual Meeting of the European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO 2016), Athens, Greece, September 07, 2016 - September 10, 2016. Oxford University Press [etc.], Oxford (2017)

Talk (63)

Evrard, H.: Mind-Body Interface in the Primate Cortex. 27th Meeting of the Hellenic Society for Neuroscience (HSfN 2017), Athens, Greece (2017)
Ramirez-Villegas, J.: Deciphering the brainstem, hippocampal and brain-wide dynamics by neuronal-ensemble event. Institute of Science and Technology (IST), Klosterneuburg, Austria (2017)
Schüz, A.: What the structure of the cortex tells us about its particular function. Universiteit Leiden: Lorentz Center Highlights Lectures, Leiden, The Netherlands (2017)
Zhaoping, L.: Looking and seeing in the primary visual cortex. Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, Berkeley, CA, USA (2017)
Bülthoff, H.: Flying Air Taxis: The next big game changer? Universität Ulm: Colloquium Cognitive Systems, Ulm, Germany (2017)
de la Rosa, S.: From the lab to real life: Using virtual reality to examine social cognitive processes in realistic conditions. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena: Institut für Sportwissenschaft, Jena, Germany (2017)
Zhao, M.: Holistic processing in face perception and recognition. Universität Mainz: Institutscolloquium Psychologisches Institut, Mainz, Germany (2017)
Angelovski, G.: Design and characterization of molecular sensors for functional MRI applications. XXXII Convegno Nuovi Orientamenti Sintesi Organica, Milano, Italy (2017)
Logothetis, N.: fMRI and MUA recordings: what have we learnt and where we are going. 2017 Course of the School of Brain Cells and Circuits "Camillo Golgi": From cell physiology to integrated signals and emerging brain functions, Erice, Italy (2017)
Zaldivar, D.: Effects of Neuromodulation on Neurovascular Coupling. 2017 Course of the School of Brain Cells and Circuits "Camillo Golgi": From cell physiology to integrated signals and emerging brain functions, Erice, Italy (2017)
Bülthoff, H.: Cognitive Robotics for Personal Transportation. 5th KAST-Leopoldina Bilateral Symposium on "AI and Machine Learning: Technology, Perspective and Applications", Seoul, South Korea (2017)
Chuang, L.: How does the brain process interruptions during continuous steering? Yamada Symposium 2017 on "Neuroimaging of Natural Behaviors", Tokyo, Japan (2017)
Bethge, M.: Wie Maschinen lernen: Deep Learning. HumanIThesia-Kongress „Ethik und KI“ 2017, Tübingen, Germany (2017)
Scheffler, K.: Human Functional Brain Imaging at 9.4 T: Can We Resolve Subcortical Responses? 2017 Minnesota Workshop on High and Ultra-High Field Imaging and Training Courses (CMRR 2017), Minneapolis, MN, USA (2017)
Schindler, A.: Spatial reference frames in egocentric coordinates. 2017 Tuebingen Systems Neuroscience Symposium (SNS), Tübingen, Germany (2017)
Yu, X.: Concurrent physiological multi-site calcium recordings and brain imaging: study of dynamic connectivity related to system and fluctuation states. Istituto di Neuroscienze CNR Annual Retreat 2017, Santa Margherita di Pula, Italy (2017)
Yu, X.: Translational Neuroimaging using High-field fMRI. Workshop "Neuroimaging in CNS Drug Development": Translational Medicine '17, Praha, Czech Republic (2017)
Bülthoff, H.: Flying Air Taxis: The next big game changer? Korea University: Department of Brain and Cognitive Engineering, Seoul, South Korea (2017)
Bülthoff, H.: Flying Air Taxis: The next big game changer? Seoul National University: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul, South Korea (2017)
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