MR Spectroscopy & Ultra-High Field Methodology

Publications of A Saeedi

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Saeedi, A.; Wang, K.; Nikpourian, G.; Bartels, A.; Logothetis, N.; Totah, N.; Watanabe, M.: Brightness illusions drive a neuronal response in the primary visual cortex under top-down modulation. Nature Communications 15 (1), 3141 (2024)
Journal Article
Jannesari, M.; Saeedi, A.; Zare, M.; Ortiz-Mantilla , S.; Plenz, D.; Benasich, A.: Stability of neuronal avalanches and long-range temporal correlations during the first year of life in human infants. Brain Structure & Function 225 (3), pp. 1169 - 1183 (2020)
Journal Article
Jannesari, M.; Saeedi, A.; Zare, M.; Ortiz-Mantilla , S.; Plenz, D.; Benasich, A.: Retraction Note to: Stability of neuronal avalanches and long-range temporal correlations during the first year of life in human infant. Brain Structure & Function 225 (3), p. 1167 (2020)
Journal Article
Jannesari, M.; Saeedi, A.; Zare, M.; Ortiz-Mantilla, S.; Plenz, D.; Benasich, A.: Stability of neuronal avalanches and long-range temporal correlations during the first year of life in human infant. Brain Structure & Function 224 (7), pp. 2453 - 2465 (2019)
Journal Article
Saeedi, A.; Jannesari, M.; Gharibzadeh, S.; Bakouie, F.: Coexistence of Stochastic Oscillations and Self-Organized Criticality in a Neuronal Network: Sandpile Model Application. Neural computation 30 (4), pp. 1132 - 1149 (2018)

Preprint (1)

Saeedi, A.; Wang, K.; Nikpourian, G.; Bartels, A.; Totah, N.; Logothetis, N.; Watanabe, M.: Mouse primary visual cortex neurons respond to the illusory “darker than black” in neon color spreading. (submitted)
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