Remi Gau
Alumni of the Research Group Cognitive Neuroimaging
Curriculum Vitae
- 2006-2010 PhD in neurosciences; University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France)
Thesis title : Serotonergic neurons of the lateral paragigantocellular nucleus : roles in pain modulation and barore?ex inhibition; Laboratory : Psychiatry and Neurosciences Center; Supervisor : Jean-François BERNARD
Graduate studies
- 2005-2006 Master of integrative biology and physiology; University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France)
- 2004-2005 Master of neuropsychology; University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France)
- 2003-2004 Maitrise of cellular biology and animal physiology; McGill university (CREPUQ exchange program with the University of Montpellier II (France)
Undergraduate studies
- 2002-2003 Licence of cellular biology and animal physiology; University of Montpellier II (France)
- 2001-2003 Diplôme détudes universitaires générales (psychology); University Paul-Valéry (Montpellier, France)
- 2000-2002 Diplôme détudes universitaires générales (biochemistry and physiology); University of Montpellier II (France)
Peer reviewed papers
- GAU R, SEVOZ-COUCHE C, LAGUZZI R, HAMON M, BERNARD JF; Evidence for di?erential response to noxious stimulation among the serotonergic neurons of the rostral ventromedial medulla, Pain, submitted
- GAU R, SEVOZ-COUCHE C, LAGUZZI R, HAMON M ; BERNARD JF; Inhibition of Barore?ex by Nociception : A Key Role for Lateral Paragigantocellular Serotonergic Cells, Pain, 2009 Déc 5, 146 (3) : 315-24; DOI : 10.1016/j.pain.2009.09.018
- BERNARD JF, NETZER F, GAU R, HAMON M, LAGUZZI R, SÉVOZ-COUCHE C; Critical role of B3 serotonergic cells in barore?ex inhibition during the defense reaction triggered by dorsal periaqueductal gray stimulation, Journal of comparative anatomy, 2008 Jan 1 ; 506(1) : 108-21; DOI : 10.1002/cne.21532
- BERNARD JF, SEVOZ-COUCHE C, HAMON M, GAU R; Responses of lateral paragigantocellular and raphe magnus serotonergic neurons to noxious stimuli : a comparative reappraisal using juxtacellular recording, 13th world congress on pain ; International association for the study of pain; Montréal (Québec, Canada), 2010, PW 205
- BERNARD JF, SEVOZ-COUCHE C, HAMON M, GAU R, Involvement of lateral paragigantocellular reticular serotonergic and non-serotonergic neurons in nociceptive processes, Annual meeting of the Society for neurosciences, Chicago, (Ilinois, USA), 2009, 361.10/BB36
- GAU R, SEVOZ-COUCHE C, HAMON M, LAGUZZI R, BERNARD JF; Inhibition of cardiac barore?ex by intense noxious stimuli : a serotonergic mechanism involving the lateral paragigantocellular reticular nuclei; Annual meeting of the Society for neurosciences, Washington (D.C., USA), 2008, 174.22/NN22
- BERNARD JF, SEVOZ-COUCHE C, HAMON M, LAGUZZI R, GAU R; Critical role of the B3 group in the barore?ex inhibition evoked by thermal noxious stimulation in the rat, Annual meeting of the Society for neurosciences, San Diego (California, USA), 2007, 724.24/MM1
- BERNARD JF, NETZER F, GAU R, HAMON M, LAGUZZI R, SEVOZ-COUCHE C; Serotonergic neurons of B3 group : critical role in barore?ex inhibition during the defense reaction in the rat; Annual meeting of the Society for neurosciences, Atlanta (Georgia, USA), 2006, 356.9/AA9
- GAU R; Implication du groupe sérotoninergique B3 dans le contrôle des circuits de la douleur et des réactions neurovégétatives associées; 10th congress of the French society for the study and treatment of pain, Marseille (France), 18th november 2010