Talk (124)

Kerr, J.: Imaging neuronal and behavioral activity in the freely moving animal: What are they looking at? Leica Scientific Forum US - Los Angeles: Advances in Life Science, Los Angeles, CA, USA (2013)
Kerr, J.: Imaging neuronal and behavioral activity in the freely moving animal: What are they looking at? UC San Diego School of Medicine: Department of Neurosciences, San Diego, CA, USA (2013)
Nooij, S.: Roll Rate Thresholds in Driving Simulation. 6th Human Centered Motion Cueing Workshop, Tübingen, Germany (2013)
Stefanucci, J.; Geuss, M.; Gagnon, K.; Creem-Regehr, S.: The Role of the Body in Perceiving Real and Virtual Spaces. Dagstuhl Seminar 13241: Virtual Realities, Dagstuhl, Germany (2013)
Bülthoff, I.: Wie viel Wahrheit steckt in der Wahrnehmung? / Quelle vérité se cache dans la perception? Symposium der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft Histologietechnik, Bern, Switzerland (2013)
Watanabe, M.: Is the primary visual cortex modulated by visual awareness? Durham University: Centre for Vision and Visual Cognition, Durham, UK (2013)
Oberlaender, M.: Simulation of sensory-evoked signal flow in anatomically realistic 3D reconstructions of rat cortex. Workshop Predictive Neuroinformatics, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (2013)
Zhao, M.; Warren, W.: Visual and self-motion cues are integrated to improve navigation precision, but compete to determine navigation direction. Spatial Memory: Bayes and Beyond, Richmond, VA, USA (2013)
Meilinger, T.: Navigation in environmental spaces. University of Tokyo: Ishikawa Watanabe Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan (2013)
Franchi, A.; Robuffo Giordano, P.: Autonomy and Human Interaction in Multi-Robot Systems. ICRA 2013 Workshop Towards Fully Decentralized Multi-Robot Systems: Hardware, Software and Integration, Karlsruhe, Germany (2013)
Kerr, J.: Imaging neuronal and behavioral activity in the freely moving animal: What are they looking at? Osnabrück Computational Cognition Alliance Meeting on "The Brain as a Self-Organized Dynamical System" (OCCAM 2013), Osnabrück, Germany (2013)
Oberlaender, M.: Beyond barrel columns: Structural organization principles of neural circuits in rat vibrissal cortex. HHMI Janelia Farm Conference: The Neural Basis of Vibrissa-Based Tactile Sensation, Ashburn, VA, USA (2013)
Franchi, A.: Autonomous Control and Human Interaction in Multiple Robots Systems. Department of Computer Science, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany (2013)
Valverde, M.: Color blobs in visual areas V1 and V2 of the Common Marmoset. Ernst Strüngmann Institute for Neuroscience, Frankfurt a.M., Germany (2013)
Logothetis, N.: Studying Large-Scale Brain Networks: Electrical Stimulation and Neural-Event-Triggered fMRI. Université de Genève: C. Lüscher Synapses, Circuits and Behaviour in Addiction and Related Disorders, Genève, Switzerland (2013)
Parise, C.: Metaphors in the ear and in the world. Meeting of the Experimental Psychology Society (EPS 2013), Lancaster, UK (2013)
Scheidegger, M.; Fuchs A, Lehmann M, Grimm S, Boeker H, Seifritz, E.; Henning, A.: Effect of an antidepressant dose of Ketamine on prefrontal aspartate, glutamine and GABA levels in healthy subjects: assessing the post-infusion interval with 1H MRS. 21st Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2013), Salt Lake City, UT, USA (2013)
Henning, A.: Ultra-high field human MRI and MRS. Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance (DRCMR), Copenhagen, Denmark (2013)
Franchi, A.: Decentralized Control of Multiple-robot Systems. 2013 euRobotics Forum: Multi-Robot Exploration Workshop, Lyon, France (2013)
Franchi, A.: Shared Control of Multiple Mobile Robots. Schools of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK (2013)
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