Speculative applications
We are happy to receive outstanding unsolicited applications at any time.
Many possibilities - if you take the initiative
Note that even if at a given point in time, we might not have advertised scientific openings, we may still accept applications, provided they are outstanding. In your cover letter, you should mention the names of people to whom the application is directed as well as the areas of particular interest. Please send your application via email to the department of your interest:
Computational Neuroscience: Dagmar Maier, dagmar.maier@tuebingen.mpg.de
Physiology of Cognitive Processes: Conchy Moya, conchy.moya[at]tuebingen.mpg.de
High-field Magnetic Resonance: Tina Schröder, tina.schroeder[at]tuebingen.mpg.de
Sensory & Sensorymotor Systems: Li Zhaoping, li.zhaoping[at]tuebingen.mpg.de
What a complete application contains:
Scientist/ Postdoc position: CV, publication list, statement of research interests, names and contact data of at least two referees
PhD student position: CV, grades (German Diploma/ M.Sc.), statement of research interests.
Please note that we cannot accept students with a bachelor degree for doing a Ph.D. with us. A comparable degree to a German Diploma or a M.Sc. is required. It may, however, be possible to write your M.Sc. thesis with us.
Internship position: CV, grades, statement of future career plans and research interests.