Research Phase (3 years)

Research Phase (3 years)

Depending on the successful completion of the respective master’s program, an agreement with an IMPRS faculty member on a suitable doctoral project and the agreement of the IMPRS board, students will enter the PhD phase.
Outstanding students who are already holding a MSc degree can access the 'research phase' directly (See - Application: 3-Year-Track).

The core focus of this phase will be independent research. This research will take place over approximately three years and culminate in a doctoral dissertation and the degree ‘Doctor of Natural Sciences in Neuroscience’ (Dr. rer. nat.) which is equivalent to the international academic degree ‘Doctor of Philosophy’ (PhD).

Potential research topics cover a variety of fields in systems neuroscience, cognitive and behavioral neuroscience, computational neuroscience, translational and clinical neuroscience as well as cellular and molecular neuroscience.

In addition to ongoing support from their primary advisor, doctoral candidates benefit from regular interaction with an Advisory Board, a cross-institutional panel that includes three or more senior scientists. Members of this board contribute interdisciplinary and methodological expertise, independent guidance and supervision for the student. During the research phase, doctoral students will be offered a wide spectrum of training courses complementing their training in the labs.

You are already holding your MSc degree?

You have to two options to apply for direct access to the research phase in the IMPRS program (See also 3-Year Track):

1) If you are a doctoral students supervised by IMPRS faculty members and have admission to the doctoral program of the GTC, we are inviting you to apply for the 3-Year Track of the IMPRS program.

2) MSc graduates are very welcome to apply directly for a PhD position advertised by the IMPRS faculty. If you get an offer from IMPRS faculty member, you are eligible to apply for the direct access to the 3-Year Track of the IMPRS program.


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