Publications of HH Bülthoff

Talk (261)

Bülthoff, H.: What Computer Vision and Computer Graphics can learn about Faces from Human Psychophysics. ACCV 2012 Workshop on Face Analysis: The Intersection of Computer Vision and Human Perception, Daejeon, South Korea (2012)
Nieuwenhuizen, F.; Chuang, L.; Bülthoff, H.: myCopter: Enabling Technologies for Personal Aerial Transportation Systems A progress report. 4th International HELI World Conference at the International Aerospace Supply Fair AIRTEC 2012, Frankfurt a.M., Germany (2012)
Nieuwenhuizen, F.; Bülthoff, H.: myCopter – Enabling Technologies for Personal Aerial Transportation Systems. Joint EU–US Workshop on Small Aircraft and Personal Planes Systems, Brussels, Belgium (2012)
Bülthoff, H.: A Cybernetics Approach to Perception and Action. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2012), Seoul, South Korea (2012)
Bülthoff, H.: The MPI View on Shared Control. SMC 2012 Workshop on Shared Control, Seoul, South Korea (2012)
Bülthoff, H.: Flying Robots and Flying Cars. College of Information and Communications: Korea University, Seoul, South Korea (2012)
Venrooij, J.; Nieuwenhuizen, F.; Bülthoff, H.: What if we simply fly to work? myCopter – Enabling Technologies for Personal Aerial Transportation Systems. Deutsch-Italienische Handelskammer: Workshop zur Investorengewinnung, Vicenza, Italy (2012)
Venrooij, J.; Nieuwenhuizen, F.; Bülthoff, H.: What if we simply fly to work? myCopter – Enabling Technologies for Personal Aerial Transportation Systems. Deutsch-Italienische Handelskammer: Workshop zur Investorengewinnung, Torino, Italy (2012)
Bülthoff, H.; Nieuwenhuizen, F.: „Und wenn wir einfach zur Arbeit fliegen“ – Sind fliegende Autos ein Verkehrsmittel der Zukunft? 127. Versammlung der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte e.V. (GDNÄ), Göttingen, Germany (2012)
Bülthoff, H.: What do we read from a face? The role culture and expertise. 2012 World Class University International Conference (WCU IC), Seoul, South Korea (2012)
Bülthoff, H.: The Cybernetic Approach to Perception and Action. CITEC Colloquium "Vision Science": Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany (2012)
Bülthoff, H.: myCopter: Enabling Technologies for Personal Aerial Transportation Systems. Abu Dhabi Air Expo: Helicopter Conference, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (2012)
Bülthoff, H.: Flying Robots and Flying Cars. 5th Schunk International Expertdays: Service Robotics, Hausen, Germany (2012)
Bülthoff, H.: Science and Science Fiction. Goethe Institut: Science Circle of the Alumninetzwerk Deutschland-Korea (ADeKo), Seoul, South Korea (2011)
Bülthoff, H.: Science and Science Fiction: closing the loop between Perception and Technology. Department of Brain and Cognitive Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea (2011)
Bülthoff, H.: Plenary II: BioRobotics. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2011), San Francisco, CA, USA (2011)
Bülthoff, H.: Perceptual Graphics: closing the loop between Perception, Graphics and Computer Vision. 19th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific Graphics 2011), Kaoshiung, Taiwan (2011)
Bülthoff, H.: Brain and Cognitive Engineering: What can Engineers learn from Cognitive Scientists? The 3rd International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Engineering, Seoul, South Korea (2011)
Bülthoff, H.: Towards Artificial Systems: What Can We Learn From Human Perception? Twenty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-11), Twenty-Third Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-11), Second Symposium on Educational, Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI-11), San Francisco, CA, USA (2011)
Bülthoff, H.: Wie kommt die Welt in den Kopf?: Von der Grundlagenforschung zur Anwendung. Lingelbachs Scheune – Optische Phänomene e.V., Abtsgmünd, Germany (2011)
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